Services & Benefits
Brand Conception
Your company, products and/or services have particular characteristics which position you within your market and from your competition. We clearly point out those characteristics and call them “your brand”.
You benefit your most important dialog partners, e. g. customers and employees, as trustworthy solution provider and partner. We condense why your brand offers the required benefits.
If you can clearly point out what your brand is about and how it is valuable for your dialog partners, your communication becomes more effective: Your communication activities are more accurate – and less effortful.
Your brand
- explains why your most important dialog partners can cofide in your products and services and a business relationship with your company.
- smooths the way to competitive advantages and growth potentials for your company and business partners.
- increases the transparency on what suits your company: It can turn into a steering element for your organization.
In addition to the conception of single brands, we evaluate brand portfolios. Together, we can determine their most straightforward, low-risk, sustainable and cost-effective structure.
Brand Management
Your brand’s positive effect is based on its clear conception and grows through consequent, continuous communicative operationalization. If you perform and communicate alike, you keep on building clear attributes in the minds of your dialog partners, smoothing the way to competitive advantages and growth potentials for your company and business partners.
gather examples of your performance.
If your brand promises what your performance delivers, we can gather examples and arguments to win over your dialog partners to enter into a partnership with you. They will be formulated, so they are close at hand and steadily consistent.
align your brand with its tonality and design.
To expand its impact, your brand shall match with its tonality and design. We describe both significantly as a basis to define basic elements (e. g. established terms, logo).
identify relevant channels and media.
Do you know how your dialog partners inform themselves about you? We identify how you can build contact and hold it in different phases of your relationship – from rough channels to fine listings.
plan communication activities.
We build up the sequence, depth and contents of your communication activities in a way that dialog partners keep interested in constantly getting to know you better and e. g. proceed in the sales funnel.
implement consistent, cost- and time-effective communication activities.
New subjects require new collaborators. Stefanie Mager knows which communication discipline can solve a task and, if required, project-individually sets up – where necessary including a tendering procedure – cost-effective, result-orientated brand expert-teams. I translate your challenge into their discipline-specific language and guide them through the process. Before results are delivered to you, I audit their quality and keep a close eye on commercial aspects and your timing.
Brand-Centered Organizational Development
Brand-centered organizational development simplifies decision-making processes and makes your organization and collaborators familiar with your brand in existing and newly-organized structures. Result: You can jointly build up and expand your brand’s positive effects.
develop organizational decision-making documents.
Where capacity is missing in day-to-day business, we develop papers for internal negotiations in an organizational format.
clarify brand responsibilities.
Who is responsible for your brand, corporate and product communications? Do headquarter and divisions, subsidiaries or country locations support the process? We define clear strategic and operative decision areas.
train colleagues and collaborators.
To ensure the impact of our results, we offer technical trainings for colleagues and collaborators on managerial or operative levels.
support the reorganization of brand and brand communication departments.
We can support the reorganization of tasks, structures or processes for a redundance-free collaboration of your brand and brand communication colleagues or collaborators.